Automating Business Processes for Success
Time has a value. Your key business processes can be automated.
What Process Automation Means?
Process automation is a powerful, software delivered concept for performing manual, logic-based office tasks more efficiently by reducing a processes cycle time and lowering costs. Workflows can be integrated with a companies’ DMS and existing systems to further reduce administrative overheads.
Why Implement Automated Workflows?
Prior to implementing automation, processes are controlled and managed through human interaction. Many organisations don’t understand the inefficiency inherent with managing processes this way and are often dependent on using a mixture of spreadsheets and emails. According to recent reports by McKinsey’s and PWC:
- Roughly 45% of workplace activities can be automated
- 69% of CEOs plan to drive corporate growth & profitability through cost reduction
- Among business processes, 60% of occupations can save up to 30% with automation
- The average company can potentially free up 20-30% of every single work day task